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August 3 — More High Peaks Hiking

Route I hiked this day

Route I hiked this day

I finally found a working payphone and finalized all the insurance and rental car details. I will concede that a cell phone would have been useful this trip. I may have been able to do most of the phone tag from the backcountry, depending on cell reception and battery life.

I went hiking again for my last couple days in New York. I entered at South Meadows Road., near Adirondack Loj. The prior Saturday this area was overflowing with cars, so I skipped it for Keene Valley. I hoped the traffic was just the weekend rush, and I would have more solitude this day. Many more parking spots were open this time, so I hiked towards Marcy Dam. The trail was the antithesis of my undulating, boulder filled first day in the woods. It was a wide, smooth highway that supported ATV traffic as well.

Marcy Dam

Marcy Dam

I easily reached Marcy Dam, a huge wooden structure in the middle of woods. I wondered who would build such a large behemoth. I guessed an old logging operation, but did not know for sure.

I hiked along Marcy Brook towards Avalanche Lake. That area lived up to its name as the trail passed through a huge debris field cause by an avalanche. The lake itself was awesome. Sheer cliffs were along both sides, forests bookended it. The trail scrambled over rocks, up ladders (but not down chutes), and across planks installed in the cliff faces. The later were not as extreme as Mt. Huashan’s south peak though.

Planks along the side of Avalanche Lake

Planks along the side of Avalanche Lake

Despite my plan to camp at Feldspar, I climbed over Mt. Colden which was a slight detour. Its rising 2,000 feet in 1.6 miles concerned me, especially with my loaded pack, but I went ahead anyway. The trail had some scrambling sections but mostly just went straight up steep rock slabs. It was physically demanding but not technically difficult. I reached the top which was almost in the clouds. I could see Mt. Marcy’s actually covered in clouds and had great views of Lake Colden and Livingston Point, I presumed.

The east side down Mt. Colden was easier, since the elevation change was less. I continued downhill towards Feldspar, hitting a swampy section with boardwalks near the end. Another group occupied the lean-to so I slept in my tent.